I am also training the anaerobic pathway. I do this by exhausting the phosphates, taking a quick rest of no more than 15 seconds, and then doing the next set or exercise. Exhausting and replenishing the phosphate energy stores in successive cycles trains the body’s recovery systems. This burst, rest intermittency is the very best kind of training.
Notation: I list the reps in the successive sets, example 15, 8, and 4 for a set of 15 reps followed by a 10 second pause. Increase the weight and then do 8. Pause. Then increase the weight and do 4. Some of these, what I call hierarchical sets, continue with 2 sets of a heavier weight for just one rep. This is shown as 2×1. Then, a few sets might end with 2 negatives.
So, here are the exercises. This is what I do, if you choose to follow this example, it is your choice. You should make this choice with a careful examination of your condition and health. You may not be ready for it.
1. Thrusters or push press: 15, 8, 4. Varying depth and weight in progression.
2. Bent arm pullovers with press: 15, 8, 4. Full depth on all. On a flat bench.
3. Upper machine rows: alternating arms, 15, 8, 4.
4. Shoulder machine press: 10, 6, 3, 2 x 1, 2 negatives.
5. Concentration curl: 10, 6, 4, 2 x 1, 2 negatives. For number 4 and 5, if you do not have a trainer to help lift the weight to the negative position, then you can push it up with two hands and lower it with one.
6. Leg curls, standing: 15, 8, 4, 2 negatives.
7. Squats: 15, 8, 4 varying weight and depth. Less depth with higher weight.
8. Dead lifts: with a trap bar or DB do a bent leg dead lift on the up move, then do a straight leg dead lift on the way down. 6, 3, 2×1. Use the bent leg position to lift up, but lower from a staight leg position, keeping the lower back tight and in lordosis. The idea here is to get a heavy weight up with bent legs and then do a negative straight-legged dead lift on the way down. This will lengthen the erectors as it strengthens them. Back troubles always begin with loose stabilizers (internal obliques, multifidus, and transverse abdominus) and tight mobilizers, in my case the erectors and ham strings. In this exercise you are tightening the stabilizers and stretching the mobilizers. The erectors will gradually add sacromeres near their end and this serial sacromere length will change the force curve of the muscle so that it is less tight initially and very powerful later in any mobilization effort.
9. Incline DB press: 10, 8, 6. Emphasize descent.
10. Standing crane. A balance move. Stand on one foot, lean forward and lift the leg behind you, keeping back and leg in line.
11. Ab hang. Hang from your arms and pull your knees up. Keep your toes up too.
12. Tabata cycle and arm dyno. Go all out on the arm dyno for 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds. Do it again. I only do 3 or 4. Then do the same thing on a cycle for the legs.
Now you are toast. This is one of my longest and most strenuous work outs. By all means, if you feel done on the first two sets, stop. I never, ever go to failure. It teaches your nervous system bad things and poor form. And, your muscle is too exhausted to benefit; it can’t produce enough force to do any good.
You must have been a Gironda fan?
Other than his 8×8 method, I’m not that familiar with Vince Gironda’s nutrition and bodybuilding philosophy. I did a brief google search and think I’ll read more. Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you, Art. You inspire so many.